
Hello and welcome! My work with Tarot began around 2008, when I bought my first deck (a mini Rider Waite Smith deck) and started a personal practice, which continued off and on until 2020, when I decided to become more serious about learning the foundations of Tarot, and deepening my knowledge. Between March and October of 2020, I completed Tarot for the Wild Soul as well as the Heart of Service course, both taught by intuitive Tarot reader, writer, podcaster and teacher Lindsay Mack. These courses, and Lindsay’s style of reading, known as Soul Tarot, have transformed my practice and have given me the tools to offer readings to others.

My Approach

Following the Soul Tarot approach, I primarily focus my readings on the present moment, because this is the place where we all are most empowered to make changes that affect our future. This is also the place where we can get honest about what parts of ourselves need tending. The goal is to focus on what unmet needs, emotions, subconscious patterns, or inherited beliefs may be affecting a situation, but may not be fully understood, seen or acknowledged. The Tarot invites us to explore these themes more deeply and offers guidance and opportunities for support and aligned action. Tarot provides opportunities to shift perspective - with the understanding that it’s all an invitation - we always have free will to take the guidance, or leave it. I am honored to channel and share what I know as my practice continues to unfold and deepen.

Current Offerings

At this time I’m focusing on holding space for people through my massage work, and I’m not offering one-on-one readings in my studio. But you can catch me on Instagram @carbontarot, where I offer week-ahead readings for the collective. I also offer custom, individual card pulls in my Instagram stories from time to time. You may also see me pop up as a vendor at local markets or gatherings throughout the year.